Configuring AD FS for Authentication with Infor Lawson Products
Configuring Landmark for AD FS Authentication
Create the AD FS service for Landmark
Create the AD FS service for Landmark
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Configuring AD FS for Authentication with Infor Lawson Products
AD FS Server Configuration
Configuring the Lawson System Foundation Server for AD FS
Configuring Landmark for AD FS Authentication
User identity format recommended for use with AD FS
Update lsservice.properties for AD FS authentication
Creating a Claims-Based Login Scheme
Create the AD FS service for Landmark
Create the AD FS service using Infor Rich Client
Create service properties for the new AD FS service
Change the Login Scheme to Claims-Based for the Primary Authentication Service
Configure the primary authenticating service
Creating and exporting claims for AD FS
Create a New Self-Signed Certificate
Load the AD FS signing certificate
Change key value for identities already on the primary service (SSOP or SSOPV2)
Perform Landmark smoke tests
Next Steps for Configuring LSF or Landmark for AD FS Installation