Run the ldife command
From a command window on LSF, type
ldifde -b UserName DomainName Password -s FQDN_Server -t LDAP_Port -m -f Your_ADFS_service.ldif -d "OU=resources,O=lwsnrmdata,O=LocalDomainNode" -r "(objectClass=zzlwsnobjService)"
where "
" is the base DN of your LDAP domain node, for example, "O=lwsn,dc=lawson,dc=com
" - Validate the output from the ldifde command to ensure that all services stored in the LDAP have been included.
Make a full backup of your LDAP instance. Infor recommends using the dsdbutil utility.
For example:
dsdbutil "ac i <InstanceName>" ifm "create full <YourBackUpLocation>"
For example:
dsdbutil "ac i LSFPROD" ifm "create full D:\ADAM\backups"