Export the new service to LSF: LSF as primary installations only
From a command prompt in the Infor Lawson environment, run the ssoconfig utility. Type
ssoconfig -c
You will be prompted for your password.
- From the menu that appears, select "Manage Lawson Services" and then, from the next menu, select "Export service and identity file."
- At the prompt for Export All, select No.
- At the prompt, type the name of the service you created in the previous procedure, <DSSOInstanceName>.xml.
- At the prompt to export identities, select None.
At the prompt for file name, type the name for the file that will be created by this process.
You can assign any name. Be sure to use a name that describes its purpose, for example, <DSSOServiceName>.xml
Optionally, you can specify a location for where you want the file to be created. For example
will save the file to a specific directory. If you do not specify a directory, the file will be saved to your current location.