LAWDIR is the directory path where Lawson product lines and server configuration files are located. Lawson customers typically have two to four product lines.

Product lines are stored in LAWDIR/productline; data areas are stored in LAWDIR/dataarea.

Other folders in LAWDIR include:

  • /print: job reports

  • /system/joblog: job error logs

  • /system: working server configuration and log files

The table that follows shows the contents of the initial instance of LAWDIR. Details about the contents of subsequent instances of LAWDIR (stored in LAWDIR/productline and LAWDIR/productline/dataarea) are in the next section.

Directories and subdirectories under LAWDIR Description of contents



/gen/map/language name

Screen map files and translated screen maps for Environment forms.

UNIX, Windows only:


Original procedural description source code supplied by Lawson for global routines in all product lines.
/persistdata/lawson/portal Files maintained by Lawson Portal.
/persistdata/lawson/studio Files maintained by Design Studio.
/persistdata/logan/work/LAWSONLD Bookmark load file.
/persistdata/help/en-us/portal Location for help files delivered with Lawson Portal.

UNIX, Windows only:


Report display and print files.

IBM i only:


Report display and print files.

For iSeries version only.


Running versions of server configuration and some log files, including ladb.cfg, lainted.cfg, lajs.cfg, lajs.log, ladirs.cfg, latm.cfg, latm, log.perms.cfg, queue.log, univ.cfg

Running versions of Lawson information (license) the Environment setup script (profile)

/system/joblog For jobs run in LID, job and lapm logs in the format,, and
/system/termdef For customers running PT80 terminal emulation, terminal information.
/system/tranlog Transaction logs.
/wslib Working storage source code for global routines for all product lines (for example, date conversion)




LAWDIR/LAWAPP9 and LAWDIR/LAWAPP9/dataarea (IBM i only)

LAWDIR/productline and LAWDIR/productline/ dataarea

The names of the product line and data areas, if there are more than one, appear in three places in the Lawson folder structure:


    In this location, the name is in lowercase. For example, the folder that contains the source code and objects for the product line test is LAWDIR/test.

  • In LADBDIR, where it contains the product line's reorganization log files.

    In this location, the name is in uppercase. For example, the folder that contains the reorganization log file for /test is LADBIDIR/TEST.

  • In LADBDIR/dict, where it contains dictionary files for the product line and data area.

    In this location the file name is uppercase. For example, the dictionary for /test is LADBDIR/dict/TEST.

Directories and subdirectories under LAWDIR/productline and .../dataarea Description of contents




RDBMS interface parameters; to be customized for data areas.
/map/default Screen map for each form ID in English.

UNIX, Windows only:


Prototype screen maps running in interpreted mode.
/map/language Translated screen maps for each form ID

UNIX, Windows only:


Drill and select object code (.gnt files) for the product line




Drill and select maps.




Translated drill and select maps.

UNIX, Windows only:


Screen description files for product line specific screens.

UNIX, Windows only:


Source code for each application in the system code, including transaction files (for example, hr11.xml) that describe the transactions that occur on each form. It also contains working storage for a form (for example,

For example, source code for the AP application is in:



"apps100" is the name the customer product line

UNIX, Windows only:


Procedural description storage code for product line specific routines where "xx" indicates the system code.
/syscodesrc/xxwslib Working storage source code (for example, a date conversion) for product line specific routines where "xx" indicates the system code.
/work/FLATFILE Dump file used for input or output.



LAWDIR/productline/dataarea/IBM, .../MICROSOFT, .../ORACLE

Data area specific dump files used for input or output


Data area specific RDBMS interface parameters files.

/rptmap/default Delivered English language versions of RptMap files and group properties (.prop) files. Also, translated properties files (languages other than English) if any have been created.

LAWDIR/LAWAPP9 and LAWDIR/LAWAPP9/dataarea (IBM i only)

The names of the product line and data areas, if there are more than one, appear in three places in the Lawson folder structure:


    In this location, the name is in lowercase. For example, the folder that contains the source code and objects for the product line test is LAWDIR/test.

  • In LADBDIR, where it contains the product line's reorganization log files.

    In this location, the name is in uppercase. For example, the folder that contains the reorganization log file for /test is LADBIDIR/TEST.

  • In LADBDIR/dict, where it contains dictionary files for the product line and data area.

    In this location the file name is uppercase. For example, the dictionary for /test is LADBDIR/dict/TEST.

Directories and subdirectories under LAWDIR/LAWAPP9and .../dataarea Description of contents
/map/default Screen map for each form ID in English.
/map/intmap This folder is empty on IBM i.
/map/language Translated screen maps for each form ID
/obi This folder is empty on IBM i.




Translated drill and select maps.
/sdlib This folder is empty on IBM i.
/syscodesrc XML transaction files (for example, hr11.xml)and report configuration files (rpt.cfg).
/syscodesrc/xxpdlib This folder is empty on IBM i.
/work/FLATFILE Work files of type .CSV, tape, and work are database files (not flat files) and are stored in this location. Other types of work files are in the native file system




Data area specific dump files used for input or output


Data area specific RDBMS interface parameters files.