Authentication Properties

OLE DB Object Services lets you supply log-in information to IOS so that you can determine access to users of your application. For example, if you want to limit the product lines your users will access, you could create an authentication string for this purpose.

Following are authentication properties.

Property Meaning
Provider Name (and version) of the provider. Specify "Lawson.LawOLEDBC" to specify whatever version is current. To specify a release, type, for example, "Lawson.LawOLEDBC.4".
Data Source IOS server name. This can be a DNS name or an IP address. You must include the HTTP protocol and port on the server by appending a colon and port number to the server name. For example, "http://servername:80" specifies to connect to port 80 on the server.
User ID Lawson user ID
Password User's password
Location Optional. Specifies a Lawson ERP application product line.
Prompt Optional. Set this to "Complete" if you want the connector to display a login dialog box for the user of your application.
Mode Optional. Sets the file mode when opening the database. The default is ReadWrite. All possible values are "Read," "Write," "ReadWrite," "Share Deny Read," "Share Deny Write," "Share Exclusive," and "Share Deny None."
Persist Security Information Optional. If this option is True, the password is always visible as text. Set this option to False if you do not want the password to be visible after authentication.

Authentication String Examples

Authentication strings are needed in some cases. To form a string, specify a property name and a value as a pair, separated by a semicolon. Following are two examples.

Provider=Lawson.LawOLEDBC.4;Data Source=https://yourprodsvr:1443;User ID=JohnA;Password=qwerty123;Location=APPS901;Mode=ReadWrite;Persist Security Info=True
