To add new files for a configurable login page

  1. Add the new files, such as an image file or a new CSS file, to the directory that contains the login files extracted from sso.war.
  2. If any of the files for the login page need to refer to the new files, use the following relative path:


    For example, if you add a file named mylogin.css and want the login.html file to use this stylesheet, then the login.html file will need the following in the <head> section:

    <link id="StyleLink" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/sso/resource/mylogin.css">

    Note that you do NOT add a resource subdirectory to the directory with the login page files.

    If you modify an existing file, such as login.css, you should then modify references to it to include "resource," for example:

    <link id="StyleLink" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/sso/resource/login.css">

  3. Add these files to the zip file.