Loading identity data to the Lawson repository

All users for whom you want to load identities must already have an RMID in Resource Management. Typically, this means they are already Lawson users.

When you have populated the XML file with identity data and are ready to load the data into Resource Management, perform the following procedure.

  1. From the ssoconfig main menu, type "5" to select "Manage Lawson Services."
  2. At the next menu, type "5" to select "Load service and identity file."
  3. At the prompt "Enter identity file name" prompt, type the file path and name of the XML file. For example,


  4. At the prompt "Override existing identities?" select "1" for Yes.
  5. You will be prompted to choose the format for credential information. Because you are creating a new service, select "3" for Plain Text. (If any problems occur, the passwords will still exist.)