List Personalization tokens
These tokens are used to secure IOS LSR File Management services. For sample application, see the topic on Securing Lawson Smart Office Form Personalizations in Lawson Security.
Token | Title | Type | Description |
lp_fmcopr | List Copier | Online |
Secures access to /lawson-ios/action/CopyListPersonalization
lp_fmdeltr | List Deleter | Online |
Secures access to /lawson-ios/action/DeleteListPersonalization
lp_fmgetr | List Getter | Online |
Secures access to /lawson-ios/action/GetListPersonalization
lp_fmpubsr | List Publisher | Online |
Secures access to /lawson-ios/action/PublishListPersonalization
lp_tpdeltr | List Type Deleter | Online |
Secures access to /lawson-ios/action/DeleteListRole