Create at least one group for batch users

Note: This section is a shortcut version of the procedure for adding groups that is specifically intended for administrators who are creating groups for batch users.

For most users, group assignment is not necessary but is available as an option depending on how your system is organized.

For users who run batch jobs, group assignment is required. You must have at least one group. (You can create as many more as you want to depending on your needs.)

It is a good idea to create the group (or groups) for batch job users before you start adding them to the system. That way the groups are available to link to users's records when you add them to the system.

Note: Groups can only be created using the Resource Management Administrator tool. You can link users to a group when you add them to the system using the Lawson Security Administrator.
  1. From the Resource Management Administrator toolbar, click Add and then click Group.

    The Add Group RM Object dialog box appears.

    Form clip: Add Group RM Object dialog box
  2. Type an ID for the group. IDs can be up to 50 characters long.
  3. Type a description for the group.

    You must type a description. Resource Management uses the Description field to locate entries when you perform a query.

  4. When you are finished adding the attributes, click Edit and then click Add.

    The message "Add successful" should appear in the bottom left of the dialog box.

    If you receive the message, "Cannot add, attribute is being edited," it means your cursor is still in edit mode on the ID field. Move your cursor out of the ID field to resolve this issue.