Creating Security Classes

Use this procedure to create security classes. With this procedure, you can create independent security classes or security classes that inherit from other security classes.

Before you can define a security class, you must have set which profile the security class will belong to. You can do this on the Profile form. If you have not set the profile to use, the Lawson Security Administrator will prompt you to select one when you attempt to work with security classes. The currently selected profile is listed in the status bar at the bottom of the Security Administrator.

To create a security class

  1. From the Profile Management menu, double-click the profile for which you want to create a security class or choose Security Classes.

    – or –

    On the Profiles form, click Select Profile.

  2. Click Add to create a new class, or select an existing class in the list at the top and click Change.
  3. Make selections for the following options as needed.
    Security Class

    The name of the security class you want to add.


    A description of the security class.

    Based On

    The name of a parent class for the security class. Leave this blank if you are not creating a security class that inherits from another one.

  4. Click Add on the Add Security Class dialog box if you are creating a new class or click Change on the Change Security Class if you are revising an existing class.
  5. When you are ready to add rules to the security class, double-click the class to which you want to add rules.

    – or –

    Click Rules for Class.

    The form for creating rules appears.

    Form clip: Security Class Rules form

    This form lists the rules already defined for this class and any rules that it inherits from other security classes. You can move from this form to the Object Selector and Rules Builder in order to add or modify rules for the security class.