Example 2: Creating a loadusers XML Input File for Batch Users
This example walks you through the process of creating a simple XML input file for use in mass-populating loadusers. The example shows how you might populate an input file for mass-loading users who must have unique identities on the operating system. This is true for users who:
Run Lawson batch jobs
Need command line access
Require unique HR data item security
These users also use Employee and Manager Self-Service centers, and the Requisition Center.
This is an example only and is simplified for ease of explanation. The actual input file for your site would look different from this.
Global attributes to be populated through loadusers
Global attributes are assigned to all users unless the user's entry contains an override. This information appears at the top of the XML input file. It is where you declare available values for some attributes.
The global attributes used in the example installation are shown in the sections that follow.
ROLE ID: The name of a role that you want to create through loadusers. Roles must exist before you can assign users to them. You can create a role and assign it to users through the same XML input file but the ROLEDATA node must appear above the USER node in the file.
Description: The description of the new role that you are creating.
ParentRole: If the new role that you are creating is based on an existing, or parent role, declare the name of the parent role in the input file. (The parent role must already exist.)
GROUP ID: The name of a group that you want to create through loadusers. Groups must exist before you can assign users to them. You can create a group and assign it to users through the same XML input file but the GROUPDATA node must appear above the USER node in the file.
Description: The description of the new group that you are creating.
User attributes to be populated through loadusers
In the example installation, loadusers populates the attributes shown in the sections that follow. The attributes are, for the most part, determined locally, but a few attributes are required by Lawson.
SSOPPASSWORD: A global attribute, all user entries will be populated with the same password. Later users can change their passwords through their user interface.
ProductLine: A global attribute that will assign the same product line to all users unless the individual user entry specifies an override.
ID: This is the SSOP that this user will use to log into the Lawson system.
RMID: This attribute is the key unique identifier for the Lawson system. However it does not need to be populated in this case. This is because the sample installation, like most Lawson customers, wants the ID (SSOP ID) and the RMID to be the same. If you leave RMID blank, the attribute will be populated with the same data as in ID (SSOP ID).
Note: It is not a requirement for the SSOP ID and RMID to be the same. However, because this is useful for administration purposes, most Lawson customers want them to be the same. -
OSID: The user's ID on the operating system
OSPASSWORD: The user's password on the operating system
Name: First and last name separated by a space
First Name
Last Name
CheckLS: Does the user use Lawson Security, YES or NO (default is NO)? (In this example installation, all users should have this attribute set to YES.)
Role: Any roles that you want this user to be a member of. Separate multiple role names with commas.
Group: Any groups that you want this user to be a member of. Separate multiple group names with commas.