Accessing security reports
To create a report definition, you use the Lawson Security Administrator. From the main menu, select Reports and then select Report Maintenance. You will be at the Report Maintenance console. Existing report definitions are listed there. You can choose to edit an existing definition or create a new one.
When you choose to create a new report definition (New Report option), you are prompted to select a report type. Click the type of report that you want to create and then select parameters for the report. (This document provides instructions for defining each type of report. Perform a search to locate the instructions for the type of report you plan to create.)
After a report has been defined, its definition file is stored in the Logan database and appears on the Report Maintenance console under the name that the administrator who created the report chose. You use the console to access the report definition for editing or deleting. The console also lets you view the status of a generated report.
The name of a generated report is a combination of the ID of the administrator who created the report and the name of the report definition.
Generated reports are stored in LAWDIR/system/lsreports/owner_reportname.pdf or .html (or both if you have created output files in both formats)
where owner is the name of the person who most recently edited the report definition
and where reportname is the name of the report definition file.
Report names must be unique. You cannot create a report that has the same name as an existing one.
From the LAWDIR/system/lsreports location, you can perform backups of existing reports, or delete, copy or e-mail them.