Security Logging: Configuring Rolling Security Logs

This topic describes how to configure rolling security logs. This is a way to ensure that log file data is not lost when files become large.

By default, each log file size is capped at 20 MB. A backup file is generated with an index number on the file name. By default, a maximum of five backup log files can exist. The oldest file will be the one with the largest index number.

You can use the configuration described here to:

  • Increase the size of log files. If you decide to do this, make sure you have sufficient system capacity to handle the large files without degrading performance.

  • Increase the number of backup log files.

  1. Open the SecurityLoggerConfiguration.xml file in a text editor.

    On LSF, the location is:system.

    On Landmark, the location is .

  2. Add the settings maxfilesize and maxfilecount to the LogFilePublisher section of file.

    Example: Adding the settings to security.log and security_authen.log

    The examples show increasing the log file size to 50MB (deafult is 20MB) and generating a maximum of 10 backup files (default is five).

        <!-- Author Publisher -->
        <publisher name="SecurityLogFileOut" enabled="true" classname="com.lawson.common.util.logging.LogFilePublisher">
                <Parameter value="file=security.log" />
                <Parameter value="maxfilesize=50000000" /> <!-- 50 MB -->
                <Parameter value="maxfilecount=10" /> <!-- 10 backup files -->
        <!-- Authen Publisher -->               
        <publisher name="SecurityAuthenFileOut" enabled="true" classname="com.lawson.common.util.logging.LogFilePublisher">                       
                <Parameter value="file=security_authen.log"/>
                <Parameter value="maxfilesize=50000000" /> <!-- 50 MB -->            
                <Parameter value="maxfilecount=10" /> <!-- 10 backup files -->                      
  3. If you want to disable rolling log files, set maxfilecount=0.
  4. Perform a full system stop and restart sequence in order for configuration to changes take effect.
    1. Stop your application server.
    2. Run the Infor stoplaw command.

      When you are ready to restart the Infor Lawson system, run the startlaw command and then start your application server.