Determine Whether Programmatic Security is Used for Road Rager Securable Objects
The Road Rager security administrator needed to bear programmatic security in mind when writing rules.
This document uses the term "programmatic security" to mean security that is built into some Lawson applications. This means that the applications have logic coded into them that provides security.
Not all Lawson programs make use of programmatic security. For those that do not, you write "normal" security policies, that is, policies that do not consider programmatic security.
For programs that do use programmatic security, rules must be written in such a way that they leverage the capabilities of the programmatic security without "double-securing" objects. Double-securing could cause performance slowdowns.
The sections that follow provide some additional details about these kinds of security to help you understand the example rules Road Rager created. It also describes how the Road Rager security administrator determined if programmatic security was in place for a particular securable object.