Determine if Company and Process Level security is in use for an application form
Some AP securable objects have Company and Process Level security built into the application form. In order to work with the built-in security and to avoid "double-securing" the objects, the Road Rager security administrator needed to take Company and Process Level security into consideration when writing rules. The administrator determined which forms had Company and Process Level security using the procedure described here.
He opened the Lawson screen definition (.scr) files for each securable object that needed to be secured in a text editor. If a "C" and/or "P" appears in the "SC" column, it means that Company and Process Level security is in use on the screen.
Lawson screen files are stored in the following location and format:
At Road Rager, the screen file for AP20.1 and AP20.2 are in:
where "APPS810" is the name of Road Rager's application product line.
Notice that the Road Rager security administrator located all information for forms related to AP20 in ap20.scr. (He did not need to check the program file, AP20.) He determined that AP20.1 and AP20.2 are secured through Company and Process Level security.

As a result of his analysis, the Road Rager administrator determined that Company and Process Level security is in place for all objects he needed to secure except the batch program AP150. A later section gives an example of a rule that takes Company and Process Level security into consideration.