EZShed Purchases New Lawson Products
After EZShed was up and running with Lawson for several months, the company decided to purchase an additional product, Accounts Payable (AP), from Lawson. Louis was charged with determining the best way to secure the new system.
In conjunction with Lawson technical consultants, he performed the same analysis that he did as part of the Human Resources and Payroll implementation processes. He learned that existing users, Debby and Ted, would need access to the AP product.
In order to give Debby and Ted the access they need, Louis performed the following tasks:
Created a new security class called PowerUserAPClass.
This class contains by-type rules that grant all access to AP.
Created a new role called PowerUserAP and added the PowerUserAPClass security class to it.
Updated the user entries of Debby and Ted to give them access to the PowerUserAP role.