Uninstall Lawson Portal files

If you need to uninstall Lawson Portal components, follow these steps.

The uninstall process creates a backup of the removed files by moving them to the backup location.

  1. Ensure that you are in the InstallDirectory.
  2. Start the install program, specify

    java -jar XXX.jar


    xxx is the file name for this product.

    The installer launches in GUI mode.

  3. On the Installation Packages window, select the package for the files you want to uninstall. The Installer dialog box shows "Update" at this step.
    • If you are uninstalling files from the Infor Lawson server, select Update persistdata (LAWDIR) files and select the environment from the drop-down list.

    • If you are uninstalling files from the web server, select Update web server (WEBDIR) files and select the environment from the drop-down list.

  4. At the dialog box for Delete or Restore, select Delete.
  5. Click Next and, when the uninstallation completes, click Finish.
  6. Check the log file to verify that before running the next phase of the installation. Check the log file
  7. Optionally, you can verify that the GlobalPerms file has been updated. Open this file in a text editor.


    The GlobalPerms file lists the components that were deleted during the uninstallation.