Custom form analysis
You can use the Rebuild Form Index procedure to run a report (analysis) of the custom forms in a specified folder to determine if any inconsistencies or other issues you should be aware of exist. It is a good idea to run an analysis any time you plan to rebuild an index.
The paragraphs that follow provide some high-level information about the analysis and what it means. See the Internet Object Services and Lawson Portal Administration Guide for more information.
The analysis checks to determine these conditions:
Index entries that are missing their XML definitions. This situation might indicate a problem and might also be a normal situation, particularly in a development environment where several developers are creating and deleting test files and rebuilding an index.
XML definition files that have no index entries. This is a normal occurrence when a new definition file has been created, as when you create a custom version of a form, that has not yet been published for users to access. Rebuilding the form index corrects this situation.
Product Lines (data areas) that are not defined have been specified in the index. The analysis shows a number here, for example, "Count:5." Typically, this message indicates that you must reset the data area for a form. See "Changing the Data Area for a Form".