Building the Data Query
The first step in specifying a data query is specifying the table from which your query retrieves data.
Click the hyperlink to the right of the API field on the General tab (to the right of the API field) of the Data Query dialog box. Select the data area, system code, and data table.

When you select a data table, the dialog box for selecting table fields, indexes (indices), key fields (index elements), related tables (if any), and related elements (if any) appears.

You can add criteria and return options to the query.
When you have made all selections for the data, select the Build Query button.
The Build Query option creates the query and places in the bottom of the browser window. You can click the Test Current Query button to display the XML output of the query in a new browser window. Click OK when you are finished specifying the query. You will be returned to the Data Query dialog box.