Configuring the user preferences in the Query Wizard

The user preferences can now be configured in the Query Wizard. When querying data from Infor Lawson, the user has the option to set the server timeout interval and select an action when encountering application error.

  1. Log in to Infor Lawson Query Wizard.
  2. Click the User Preferences button. The User Preferences window is displayed.
    Note: The "When encountering error messages" option is displayed only when creating an application query (by selecting the Application option under Choose Query Source in the Welcome tab) or when loading a DME file that contains an application query. This option will not be displayed for database queries.
  3. Specify this information:
    Data Response Timeout (in seconds)

    Specify the number of seconds for the response timeout. The Infor Lawson Add-ins will wait a designated number of seconds to get a response from the server. If the server does not respond within this time, the Add-ins operation will time out.

    The default value is 60 seconds.

    When encountering error messages

    Select an action when encountering application error. This option is only displayed when creating an application query or loading it from a DME file. These are the options that can be selected:

    • Stop at error (default) – query stops at the first encounter of an error.

    • Continue query – query continues even when errors are encountered.

    • Continue query, save message in sheet – query continues and saves the error message in a new column.

    • Exclude rows with error – query continues but excludes rows with error in the resulting worksheet.

    Default date format

    Select from the available options of MM/DD/YYYY, System Settings or LSF Locale Setting to be set as the default date format. This preference will be saved on the registry (Current User).

    The date format on the DME/DMEX will prevail the User Preference. It also can be overridden by changing the date format on the Format Tab but will not be saved on the User Preference.

    Note: MM/DD/YYYY will be the initial default date format if nothing has been set by the user.
  4. Click Save Preferences.