Checking Upload Results

As the query reads each row in the worksheet and uploads it to Infor Lawson, it adds a new column to the worksheet containing a message that tells you whether the upload was successful.

Message Format Meaning
Add complete-continue The data was successfully added to the Infor Lawson database.
Change complete-continue The upload successfully changed data in the Infor Lawson database.
Record has been deleted The upload successfully deleted the record from the Infor Lawson database.
Verify Effective Date

The form requires a valid effective date field. Add a date column to the worksheet and try the upload again.

The date must be in the format yyyymmdd in the worksheet. For example, 12/15/2001 must be written 20011215.

Field is required (field name) The form has key fields that are missing from the worksheet. View the Infor Lawson form to determine the key fields. Ensure that the worksheet contains a column for each key field, and try the upload again.
Value not in list Some data on the Excel worksheet is not in a format that Infor Lawson can recognize. For example, the worksheet might contain alpha characters for a value that must be numeric. Check the Infor Lawson form to verify data requirements, correct the worksheet, and try the upload again.
Security message You do not have the security status required to delete this data. See your system administrator.

If your results indicate that the worksheet is missing a key or required field, add a column for that field to the worksheet. Map that column to the missing field, and try the upload again.


The upload messages tell you that the Employee form requires an effective date when data is changed in Infor Lawson. The upload was not successful.

Add a column to the worksheet to supply the effective date. Remember that Infor Lawson requires that you enter the date in yyyymmdd format. Try the upload again. Now, the upload messages indicate that you successfully changed the records.

Server Errors

If your Infor Lawson server goes down while an Add-ins operation is in progress, an error message appears. The error message gives the reason for the error and refers you to an error log located in your login directory. The default location of the log file is:

%APPDATA%\Lawson Software\Office Add-ins\moa.log

The log file contains only the most recent error message, so if you want to save the error message, rename it or move it to another directory.

Note: If you receive an error message, report the server problem to your Infor Lawson system administrator.