Configuring Database Change Logs for dbupdate

You can configure your system so that any change to files in a data area ( SourceDataArea ) are logged in a file. This file can be used by the dbupdate utility to upgrade a new data area ( DestinationDataArea ) to match the source data area.

When you enable logging for a file, then insert, update, and delete SQL triggers are created by the database driver. Any time a trigger is fired, a row is added or replaced in a log file that contains these fields. Depending on the logging activated the log file could be RMLOG, UGZLOG, or both.

The UGZLOG is included on the default Application database tables, but the RMLOG will have to be created by user. You can use the creatermlog perl script to create the RMLOG table in the Productline.

perl <Productline>
Field Description
LogFileName A 10-character alphanumeric field that contains the name of the file being changed.

A 199-character alphanumeric field that contains the primary key values of the row in the file being changed.

Note: Changes to files with primary keys longer than 200 bytes cannot be logged.

Since the logging is performed using triggers, all log files and all files being logged must be of the same database type.