Note: When you make only location and extension changes,
only the data area dictionaries where the changes occurred need to
be rebuilt and those data areas reorganized.
To build
a data area dictionary, at the Qshell command prompt, specify this information:
blddbdict -p dataarea
- or -
To build all data area dictionaries within a product line, specify this information:
blddbdict -q productline
From the Database Administration menu, select Dictionary Maintenance,
and then Build Dictionary. Select the -p option to
build only one product line/data area and press Enter.
Create a list of changes
that will occur when you reorganize the product line. At the Qshell
command prompt, specify this information:
dbreorg -lc productline
- or -
dbreorg -lcp dataarea
View the list of changes. Open the following file:
If the changes listed are correct, reorganize
the product line. At the Qshell command prompt, specify this information: