Verifying Encryption Algorithms

The encryption algorithms delivered by Bouncy Castle must be verified against your JDK to identify which algorithms are compatible. To do this, you run a set of regression tests, examine the results, and determine which of the available algorithms you want to use. Repeat for all JDKs consumed by the Lawson system. When all regressions are complete, you must select an algorithm that is compatible with all of them.

Before you run regressions, ensure that you did the following:

  • Downloaded the Bouncy Castle regression tests.

  • Added Bouncy Castle .jar files to all JDKs.

  • Configured the for the JDK to add Bouncy Castle as an encryption provider.

Run Bouncy Castle regressions

  1. Log into your system as QSECOFR.
  2. If you installed Lawson Core Technology on an IASP, at the OS/400 command prompt, type


  3. To set your Lawson environment variables and path, execute a CALL LAWENV command. At the OS/400 command prompt, type

    CALL LAWENV LawsonEnvironmentName

  4. Change to the directory where the Bouncy Castle test files are located.

    cd /BCTestDir

  5. Run the regressions. Type

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp bctest-jdk15on-XXX.jar org.bouncycastle.crypto.test.RegressionTest > crypto.out 2>&1

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp bctest-jdk15on-XXX.jar org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.test.RegressionTest > jcecrypto.out 2>&1


    -XXX is the version number of your Bouncy Castle .jar file.

  6. Examine the output files crypto.out and jcecrypto.out for failures.

    Some algorithms will fail, which is normal. Algorithms that failed cannot be used with the JDK on your system. For further explanation of encryption regressions and failures, see article #1058625 in the Infor Concierge KnowledgeBase.

  7. Repeat these instructions to run regressions on all JDKs consumed by your system.