Verify Perl installation

  1. Verify that the correct version of Perl is installed.

    At the Qshell command line, type

    /QOpenSys/perl/bin/perl -version

    The following information should appear:

    This is perl, v5.8.x built for aix 

    Verify that the symbolic link for Perl was created. Type

    /QOpenSys/usr/bin/perl -version

    The same information should appear:

    This is perl, v5.8.x built for aix 

    If the correct version of Perl does not display , continue with this procedure to download and install it now.

  2. Download the correct version of Perl.
    1. Using your browser, go to

    2. Select Perl binary distributions ("ports") --> OS/400 --> Perl 5.8.0 binary and libraries (under PASE).
  3. Unpack and install PASE Perl. Installation instructions are located at Perl binary distributions ("ports") > [OS/400] > README for Perl 5.8.0.
    Note: There is no need to compile Perl because the extracted binaries work with Lawson products. Perl only needs to be compiled if you are going to modify Perl itself. The instructions for compiling Perl can be ignored .

    PASE Perl is downloaded as a .tgz file. If the file you downloaded is not a .tgz file, you must rename it so that it has the .tgz extension.

    Files of this type have been compressed with gzip, and can be unzipped using gunzip or WinZip. If you do not wish to use WinZip, the gunzip command is part of the GNU utilities download from IBM, or can be obtained from

    When using WinZip to unpack the download, perform these steps:

    1. Map a drive from Windows Explorer to your root directory.
    2. Launch WinZip to unzip the Perl download.
    3. Click No when WinZip asks whether you want to decompress to a temporary folder.
    4. Extract the one .tar file in the Perl download to the root directory (/) of your IFS.
    5. Open a Qshell command prompt and change to the root directory. Type

      cd /

    6. Use the PASE version of the tar command to extract the Perl files from the Perl download .tar file. At the Qshell command prompt, type

      /QOpenSys/usr/bin/tar -xvf perldownload.tar

      where perldownload is the name of the .tar file that you extracted.

    7. The Lawson Java Installer requires that the symlink mentioned in the instructions is created. At the Qshell command prompt, type

      ln -s /QOpenSys/perl/bin/perl /QOpenSys/usr/bin/perl