Install the new DSP package for LSO

  1. Log in to the LifeCycle Manager as an administrator.
  2. Below the host in the left pane, right-click on Distributable Security Package and select Install.
  3. Click Next on the first Install window.
  4. On the DSSO Instance window, enter a name for the DSSO instance and click Next.
  5. On the DSSO installation properties window, enter the installation information:
    DSSO root install folder

    The name of the DSSO instance directory.

    Java home

    The path to the Java bin files.

    Perl home

    The path to the Perl bin files.

    DSSO host name

    The name of the host where DSSO is to be installed.


    The fully qualified domain name where DSSO is to be installed.

    Enable Authorization

    Leave blank

  6. On the DSP components in the Workspace window, click Next without entering any values.
  7. On the Lawson Security Environment window, enter the Infor Lawson System Foundation information.
    Server Type

    Enter LSF.


    The fully qualified domain name where the Infor Lawson System Foundation installed.

    Default port

    The Infor Lawson System Foundation security port.

    Default SSL port

    The Infor Lawson System Foundation SSL security port.

    Security password

    The SSOCONFIG password.

    Identity name

    Enter System and the domain name.

  8. Click Next
  9. On the Web Application Server window, for the Server type, select "Do not deploy to application server."
  10. Click Next and then Finish to start the install.