sysload - Import System Definition

sysload [-irefpkcqVa] [-Tnnnn] dumpfilename [newproductline] [-l filepathname

Install new system definitions or update existing system definitions from a flat file. You can install or update data dictionaries from Lawson with this menu option.

This utility is not suitable for creating a new product line or copying over an existing product line if you want that product line to be updatable with patches. For information on how to copy a product line that can be updated, see the "Product Line Copying" section of the Lawson Administration: Server Setup and Maintenance guide.

Note: When creating a new product line with sysload, the new product line is automatically added to the Lawson security class of the user who is creating it. All users in this same security class then have access to the new product line with access and restrictions to the system codes and form IDs the same as the creator.
Program Option Description
i Interactive updating of existing objects. If a program, file, or element definition already exists in the database, a message asks you whether you want to update it.
r Report on existing objects; no updating. Writes to the standard output the names of all objects in the import file that are already in the database. It performs no updating, even of new objects.
e Update all elements. Loads all elements from the flat file, whether or not they already exist.
f Update all files. Loads all elements from the flat file, whether or not they already exist.
p Update all programs. Loads all programs from the flat file, whether or not they already exist.
k Does not delete relations currently in the database before updating a system definition. If you do not use this option, the system deletes all relations owned by the systems you are updating.
c Load PGMCALL records. By default, these are not loaded.
q Log all processing messages (sysldlog file).
V Show version number.
a Overwrite database file record allocations.
l filepathname Log all processing messages in the specified log file.

At the Qshell command line, specify the information above.


  1. In a Lawson Interface Desktop (LID) session, use Form Transfer (F8).

  2. On Form Transfer, specify sysload in the Form ID field. Click the OK button or press Enter.

  3. Specify or select the following data.

    Program Options
    See the program options listed above.
    Dump File Name
    The flat file with the system definitions.
    New Product Line

    The product line you want to move the system definitions to.

  4. Press Enter.

    Note: Date, time, username, type, utility name and key field activities of this utility are logged in the $LAWDIR/system/secadmin.log file.