Utility Documentation Conventions
This manual references certain Lawson Environment programs and utilities. Often you can access these programs and utilities in more than one way. However, this manual will not describe all ways that you can access each program or utility.
If you can access the program or utility through a form transfer within the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID), the manual will describe that access method. If you can access the program or utility through either the IBM i command line or through a Qshell command line, the manual will describe the Qshell method. If only the IBM i command line is available, this manual will provide the syntax for the IBM i command.
Lawson Interface Desktop Form Transfer
The form transfer method of access to programs and utilities is available through the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID). After you log in to LID, you press Form Transfer (F8), enter the name of the program or utility on the Form Transfer form, and then click the OK button (the button with a green check mark). You can also navigate to a program or utility through the Form Transfer form by selecting the appropriate tab, a category or system code, and then the program or form you want to view.
Qshell Command Line
You start a Qshell session with the qsh command at the IBM i command line. In a Qshell session, you specify commands for Lawson programs and utilities in the following format:
ProgramName -Options
Parameter1 Parameter2 ...
If options or parameters are optional, they will be enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ). If you are allowed to use only one option or parameters from a set of options or parameters, your choices will be separated by vertical bars ( | ).
For example, the syntax for the Lawson Security Configuration utility (lsconfig) and the Load Language utility (ldlang) is:
lsconfig -uartdl [-c password ON|OFF] [instanceName]
ldlang [-l language] [-aodr] dumpfile [overrideproductline]
lsconfig -c myPassword ON lawapp9
ldlang -l Spanish -r SpanTrans.txt lawapp9
IBM i Command Line
This manual does not show the IBM i command line syntax for each program or utility unless that is the only way to access a program or utility. To access a program or utility through the IBM i command line, use the following syntax format:
Using the IBM i command line syntax, the dbdump command is in the following format:
Utilities or Programs for Editing Text Files
When this manual refers to editing or viewing a text file, such as a configuration file, it will generally say to open the file in the IFS with a text editor and it will give the file's IFS location. For a text editor, Lawson recommends WordPad, but discourages the use of Notepad because Notepad does not handle carriage returns properly.
You can also use the EDTF command from the IBM i command line in order to edit or view files in the IFS. However, this manual will usually not provide the command line syntax. If you want to use EDTF, supply the full path to the text file you want to edit or view as a parameter to the EDTF command. For example:
EDTF 'law8/DB/lawapp9/reorg.hist'
Special Note for Submitting Batch Jobs from the IBM i Command Line
If you use the IBM i SBMJOB command to submit a Lawson Environment utility program, you must set the CPYENVVAR parameter ("Copy environment variables") to *YES.
For example:
'/home/SpanTrans.txt' 'LAWAPP9')) CPYENVVAR(*YES)