pgftxt - Enter Technical Text
Update the text for the files (called program files) referenced by a specific program. This text is included in the printed documentation that is generated when you select Print Technical Text from the User Desktop menu, Application Text submenu.
In a Lawson Interface Desktop (LID) session, use Form Transfer (F8).
On Form Transfer, specify pgftxt in the Form ID field. Click the OK button or press Enter.
Specify or select the following data.
Field Description System Code System code you want to display program files for. Form ID Form ID you want to display program files for.
The system displays the program files referenced by system code and form ID.
Select the program file you want to view or specify text for, press Define (F6), and choose Text.
A text window is displayed. This window lets you specify or view information for the files related to the system code and form ID you selected. For complete information on text windows, see Getting Started with the Lawson Inteface Desktop (LID).
Press Enter twice to save the text.