sqldbcopy - Copy database file between data areas using SQL code

sqldbcopy [-H] -P propertiesFile [-D directivesFile]

sqldbcopy executes SQL code that upgrades one Lawson database file from one data area to another.

At a Qshell command line, specify the information above.

Program Option Description
-H Print detailed usage.
-P Input file name and path for setting properties.
-D Directives file defining which Lawson files or data locations to include or exclude in the data copy

Properties File

Consider the following options:

Attribute Description
SRCSCHEMA This attribute is the source schema. It overrides the value set in the cap file when OVERRIDE is TRUE.
DSTSCHEMA This attribute is the destination schema. It overrides the value set in the cap file when OVERRIDE is TRUE.
SRCDATAAREA This attribute is the source data area.
DSTDATAAREA This attribute is the destination data area.
DBTYPE This attribute is the database type: msf, ora, or ibm.

This attribute is the directory name and path where message and log files are written to.

For each Lawson file that failed in the copy, warnings and errors are logged in a message file LawsonFile.msg.

For each run, results are logged in sqldbcopy.log.timestamp.

DIRECTIVESFILE This attribute is the input file name and path. This value is overridden when the -D option is specified at the command line.
FIELDDATFILE This attribute is the input file name and path for initializing destination file fields.
DEGREEOFPARALLELISM This attribute refers to the degree of parallelism.

This attribute is set to TRUE if you want to drop and recreate the table before the copy. The default value is FALSE.

If the value is set to TRUE, indexes are created only at the end of the copying process.

DONOTEXECUTE This attribute is for not executing in the database. This attribute can have a value of either TRUE or FALSE.
OVERRIDE This attribute allows the values for srcschema and dstschema to override the actual schema values in the source and destination database configuration cap files. it can have a value of either true or false.
7xiseries This attribute is used for indicating whether the source is iseries 7x. It can have a value of either TRUE or FALSE.
TRACE This attribute prints SQL commands to LOGGINGDIRECTORY/sqldbcopy.sql. This attribute can have a value of TRUE or FALSE. The default value is FALSE.
NOTLOGGED NOTLOGGED attribute is used to disable the logging of transactions that are executed by sqldbbcopy.
Note: Property values that include back slashes must be escaped with a back slash. For example, $This\is\an\example should be $This\\is\\an\\example.

Directives File

This attribute is an input file name and path of directives defining which Lawson files or data locations should be copied. The directives or entries in the input file are defined as follows:

A [AllFiles] <Y | N>

D <Include | Exclude> DatLocation

F <Include | Exclude> LawsonFileName

Note: The A directive is mandatory and specifies whether all Lawson files in the data area are to be processed.