qcompile - Compile Program

qcompile [-lDm] productline systemcode programcode/module

Compile an Infor Lawson RPG program using the compile queue. This command is securable, and if a security violation is encountered, access must be granted to the token via LSA.

For more information, see Doc for Developers: Application Development Workbench Standards.

Program Option Description
c Don't use COBOL analyzer.

Build the compile listing.

This is stored as an .lst file in the IFS at $LAWDIR/productline/rpg/SYSCODERPGSRC/PROGRAMCODE.lst for programs and at $LAWDIR/productline/rpg/SYSCODEMODSRC/LIBNAME.lst for modules.


Compile a program or a module for use with the debugger.

m Compile a program and its modules.
A Compile to a stage directory.
O Override the stage compilation and place the compiled program in the runtime production environment.