calcjobs - Calculate Job Run Times

Perl script that shows historical information about job run times by a job ID, a token ID, a date or range of dates.

The script output shows:
  • Number of jobs run
  • Total number of minutes it took to complete all jobs
  • Number of minutes that the longest job took
  • Average number of minutes per job


For a token:

perl calcjobs -t <token ID>

where <token ID> is the name of the token for which you want to obtain history, for example, PO100

For a job:

perl calcjobs -j <job ID>

where <job ID> is the name of the job for which you want to obtain history, for example, PO100C

For a date or date range:

perl calcjobs -d <date>

where <date> is the date for which you want to view jobs


perl calcjobs -d <date> <date>

where <date> <date> is the date range for which you want to view jobs