rpgshell - Build RPG Shell

rpgshell [-clmD] productline systemcode programcode

rpgshell -P[clmD] productline module

Use this utility to build the RPGLE program source from the component source files for a program or for a module, and optionally compile it.

Program Option Description
c Normal compile.

Produce compile listing.

This is stored as an .lst file in the IFS at $LAWDIR/productline/rpg/SYSCODERPGSRC/PROGRAMCODE.lst for programs and at $LAWDIR/productline/rpg/SYSCODEMODSRC/LIBNAME.lst for modules.

D Compile a program/module for use with debugger.
m Apply all the specified options to the modules a program or module calls as well as to the program or module itself. For example, specifying rpgshell -cm lawapp9 hr hr11 results in the compiling of HR11 and any modules it calls.
P Specify a single module. (If you also provide the -m option, then the utility will build or compile the module and all modules it calls.)