bldexpfd - Build Export File Description

bldexpfd productline exportfdfile [filename...]

Generate a file description for formatting an export file. It is useful for building user programs to dump user database files and to import them into Lawson database files. The file includes the database file field names and their sizes in a record layout format. Generate the file descriptions for the files you want to export and put them in a COBOL program that writes the export records.

At a Qshell command line, specify the information above.

Example Command and Output

The following command creates a file called gltrans.fd that contains the file description for the gltrans file in the app900 product line.

bldexpfd app900 gltrans.fd gltrans

The following example illustrates a portion of the output from this command:

*                       GLTRANS-FILE                         *
    02  EF-FILE-NAME            PIC X(10) VALUE "GLTRANS".
     02  EF-GLT-COMPANY          PIC 9(4).
     02  EF-GLT-FISCAL-YEAR      PIC 9(4).
     02  EF-GLT-ACCT-PERIOD      PIC 9(2).
     02  EF-GLT-CONTROL-GROUP    PIC 9(8).
     02  EF-GLT-SYSTEM           PIC X(2).
     02  EF-GLT-JE-TYPE          PIC X(1).
     02  EF-GLT-JE-SEQUENCE      PIC 9(2).
     02  EF-GLT-LINE-NBR         PIC 9(6).
     02  EF-GLT-OBJ-ID           PIC 9(12).
     02  EF-GLT-STATUS           PIC 9(1).