cnvexp - Convert Sequential Export File

cnvexp [-f] filename recordsize

Convert a sequential export file (typically from a mainframe computer) so it has Return (Enter) characters. Typically, when an export file comes from a mainframe, each record is a fixed length with no Return characters. To use, the file must have Return characters.

Program Option Description
f Output fixed-length records.

At the Qshell command line, specify the information above.

- or -

  1. In a Lawson Interface Desktop (LID) session, use Form Transfer (F8).

  2. On Form Transfer, specify cnvexp in the Form ID field. Click the OK button or press Enter.

  3. Specify or select the following data.

    Field Description
    Program Options See the program option above.
    Export File Name Export the file you want to convert to include Return (Enter) characters.
    Record Size Size of a record in the export file.
    I/O options Optional. Display the output or redirect it to a file.
  4. Press Enter.

    For more information regarding copying and transferring data, see Lawson Administration: Server Setup and Maintenance.