What are Bookmarks?
Bookmarks are links that allow users to access the forms, reports, or menus they use most frequently to perform their jobs. Bookmarks are delivered with Lawson application suites and with Lawson Portal itself and are assigned to users by administrators. Administrators can also define their own bookmarks that are specific to their sites.
Parent versus child bookmarks
Bookmarks are grouped by subject in a hierarchical parent/child structure. In the list of bookmarks that appears when you run Bookmark Manager, (the administration tool for assigning bookmarks.
Parent bookmarks:
Have associated child bookmarks
Show in the user's navigation pane
Child bookmarks:
Show, by default, in the navigation pane under its parent bookmark
Can show in the user's main content window if the user chooses to place it there
As an administrator, the hierarchical structure can save you time. When you assign a parent bookmark to a user, child bookmarks are automatically assigned. Users can unsubscribe to child bookmarks they do not want (unless the administrator has prevented this by locking a bookmark). Information about how users subscribe and unsubscribe to content appears in user documentation.
The difference between parent and child bookmarks can best be explained through an example. The parent bookmark, Jobs and Reports, has four child bookmarks (Multi-Step Jobs and Reports, Job Schedule, Print Files, Job List). Suppose you have assigned Jobs and Reports to a user so that it now appears in the user's navigation pane with all its child bookmarks listed beneath it.
Now suppose that the user to whom you have assigned Jobs and Reports never creates or runs Multi-Step Jobs and Reports. The user could choose to unsubscribe to that child bookmark.
After the change, the Jobs and Reports bookmark would list Job Schedule, Print Files, and Job List but not Multi-Steps Jobs and Reports. Unsubscribing to content that they do not use to free up screen real estate is a common setup task that users perform for themselves (unless the administrator has removed their ability to do so).
Another customization that users can make further illustrates the difference between parent and child bookmarks. Suppose the user who never uses Multi-Step Jobs and Reports uses Job Schedule so often that they do not want to have to click on the navigation pane to start it. They could customize the layout so that Job Schedule runs in the main content window and is available immediately when logging into Lawson Portal.