Adding a Job Queue Group

  1. On the Job Queue Group Definition form, click Add from the toolbar.

    This makes the Job Queue Group and other fields eligible for inputs.

  2. Specify these details:
    Field or option Description
    Job Queue Group

    A require field; specifies the assigned job queue group name.

    This field accepts alpha and numeric characters, with a maximum length of 10 characters.


    An optional field for additional printer group information.

    This field accepts alpha and numeric characters, with a maximum length of 30 characters.

    Member Type

    A required option; defines if the item being added is a Job Queue or a Group.

    Job Queue type is the list of existing job queues in the system, which can be viewed in Member Name field list.

    Group type enables you to see the list of existing job queue group, which can be viewed in Member Name list.

    To add a new Job Queue Group, you must select Job Queue as Member Type.

    Member Name

    A required option; specifies the job queue or group name to be added in the job queue group.

    To add a member to the new Job Queue Group, select the job queue or group name in the Member Name list, and then click Add Member .

    Note: Job Queue Group must be saved with members.