Translating Application Messages

Use this procedure to translate application messages if you want to use ASCII text files.

For more information, see the sections Messages, The Text File Translation Process, and Application Message Translation Files.

To translate application messages

  1. Create an ASCII text file of the application messages to translate.
    1. At the Qshell command line, type:

      dmpappmsg [-b] [-n] [-x] [-c Category] [-m Module] [-l Language [-t]] [[-i] InputListFile] DumpFile ProductLine [SystemCode]

    2. Type the following selections.
      Program Option Description
      -b Dump blank lines for documentation generation.
      -n Dump non-program related messages.
      -x Dump only messages that are marked for translation through the Message Maintenance utility (msgmnt).
      -c Dump messages for this category. Cannot be used with the -n option, the -m option, or a system code.
      -m module

      Process just the module in the system; for example, the Report Writer (RW) module in the General Ledger (GL) application.

      If you use this option, also type the associated application system in the System Code field.

      -l language Dump messages in this language.
      -t Dump non-translated messages in this language.
      -i InputListFile Dump only category/errors found in the input list file. If you use this option, the -n, -c , -m, and -b are ignored. The line format for the InputListFile is: category, [errornbr]
      Field Description
      dumpfile File to store the application messages in.
      productline Product line to dump messages for.
      systemcode System code to dump messages for.
    3. Press Enter.

      The program runs and displays a message when it finishes.

    4. Transfer the file to your word processing or translation program.

      Example: Sample output from dmpappmsg.

      ~$BP95 901
      Ready for Inquiry - Select a Category
      ~$BP97 100
      Currency Code Does Not Exist
      ~$BP99 100
      Company Does Not Exist
      ~$BP99 101
  2. Translate the messages in the ASCII text file in your word processing or translation program.
    Note: The ASCII text file must have been created by dmpappmsg so that it contains the ~$ lines that indicate the address for each message. Do not change any line that begins with ~$. These are address lines that enable the translations to load to the proper location in the Environment. Change the text below the address line.
  3. Load the application message translations into the Environment.
    1. Save the file of translated messages as an ASCII (text only) file.
    2. Transfer the file from your PC to the server.
    3. At the Qshell command line, type:

      ldappmsg [-xd | -xe | -xb] ProductLine Language DumpFile

    4. Type or select the following.
      Field Description
      xd Load only messages that are marked for translation in the dump file. If a message is not marked for translation, do not store the message. Instead, write it to the log file (ldappmsg.err in the current directory).
      xe Load only messages that are marked for translation and exist in the base English language. Ignore the dump file flag. If a message is not marked for translation, do not store the message. Instead, write it to the log file (ldappmsg.err in the current directory).
      xb Load only messages that are marked for Translation in both the dump file and the base English language. If a message is not marked for translation, do not store the message. Instead, write it to the log file (ldappmsg.err in the current directory).
      productline Product line to load application messages for.
      language Language the messages have been translated into.
      dumpfile File containing the translated messages.
    5. Press Enter.

      The program overwrites all existing messages for that product line and language.