Enabling Translations for Lawson Portal

Use this procedure to display the Lawson Portal in a non U. S. English language.

Note: This procedure apples to non-application specific aspects of Lawson Portal. It does not apply to displaying translated versions of application forms. You accomplish that by loading the application translation files or by translating phrases, columns phrases, messages, and so on for a language.

To enable translations for Lawson Portal

  1. Change directory to $LAWDIR/system.

    cd $LAWDIR/system

  2. Open the iosconfig.xml file in a text editor.
  3. Modify the <languagemap> section so that it has entries that associate a user-defined language name with its ISO equivalent.


           <mapping lsflang="ESMX" portallang="es-mx"/>
           <mapping lsflang="FRFR" portallang="fr-fr"/>