IOS configuration file
The iosconfig.xml file controls several important settings, including a setting for where the persistent data used by the Lawson Portal is stored and settings that affect IOS performance. The Lawson Portal setting is usually set during installation, but you might want to adjust some of the performance-related parameters at a later time. The performance-related parameters involve controlling the number of DBDataArea objects (or database drivers for each data area, such as GEN or the application data areas) on the system. The first access of each data area in use will create a dedicated pool of drivers of minObjects size for that data area.
The iosconfig.xml file is located at $LAWDIR/system
. You can edit it with a text editor. If you make changes to this
configuration file, you must restart the IOS application in order
for the values to take affect.
Define Portal Language Mapping
This setting must be added so that Lawson Portal will be able to associate a user-defined language name with its ISO equivalent. Lawson Portal language mapping must be defined in $LAWDIR/system/iosconfig.xml.
Navigate to $LAWDIR/system. Using a text editor or an xml editor, open the iosconfig.xml file.
Add the language name defined in langdef to the list of language mappings
<languagemap> <mapping lsflang="ESMX" portallang="es-mx"/> <mapping lsflang="FRFR" portallang="fr-fr"/> </languagemap>
Sample iosconfig.xml File
The values listed for the "com.lawson.ios.dig.db" parameters are the default values.
iosconfig.xml Reference
The table below describes the parameters in the iosconfig.xml file.
Parameter | Description |
ioswebrootdir |
The location of persistent data used by the Lawson Portal and other products. The information includes users' bookmarks, Lawson Portal role files, and preferences. |
helpdir |
The location of the help files for the Lawson Portal. |
com.lawson.ios.dig.db.minObjects | The minimum number of DBDataArea objects to have in the pool. |
com.lawson.ios.dig.db.softMaxObjects | The maximum number of DBDataArea objects you expect to need in the pool under typical full use. |
com.lawson.ios.dig.db.hardMaxObjects | The maximum number of DBDataArea objects to have in the pool. |
com.lawson.ios.dig.db.holdTimeOverMin |
The maximum length of time in milliseconds to keep an
idle DBDataArea when the pool contains more than the minObjects number of DBDataArea objects.
com.lawson.ios.dig.db.holdTimeOverSoftMax |
The maximum length of time in milliseconds to keep an
idle DBDataArea when the pool contains more than the softMaxObjects number of DBDataArea objects
com.lawson.ios.dig.db.maxWaitTime | The maximum length of time in milliseconds to wait for a DBDataArea to become available. |
com.lawson.ios.dig.db.reuseLimit | The number of times a DBDataArea is allowed to be reused. |
com.lawson.ios.dig.db.maxRecsQuery | The maximum number of records per query. |
com.lawson.ios.xpress.leadingzeroes |
This option configures the behavior of Form drop down processing in Lawson Portal. Select any of these options:
com.lawson.servlet.TransformFilter.usetls |
Default value is TRUE. Allows IOS to use TLS protocol when using https, but SSLv2/SSLv3 protocols are disabled in the HTTP server. |
com.lawson.ios.servlet.Router.skipXMLValidation |
Default value is TRUE This option verifies if the XML passed to IOS is valid or not. |
com.lawson.servlet.ioscacherefresh.clusterrefresh |
Default value is disabled. Enables clustered IOS refresh behavior. |
com.lawson.servlet.jobserver.usenewversion | Enabling this option will allow IOS to use a new job server components with significant performance improvements in loading and browsing through particular long lists of job or print records. |
transform-host |
Lists host names that will be allowed as locations for XSL files during transformation. The <host> node contains the fully qualified domain name of the server to be trusted. Port or protocol values are not included in the definition. |
brokers | Specifies the brokers and agents used by IOS for the Drill, Data, and Transaction services. Do not change this section. The brokers serve to route requests to the appropriate agent for processing. |
com.lawson.moa.upload.batch.maxrows |
Default and minimum value is 500. Maximum value is 60000. The maximum number of data rows that Add-ins can upload at once. |
com.lawson.moa.upload.batch.idletime |
Default and minimum value is 1000. Maximum value is 60000. The length of time in milliseconds that Add-ins is idle before it performs another batch upload. |
com.lawson.moa.transaction.idletime |
Default and minimum value is 100. Maximum value is 60000. The length of time in milliseconds that Add-ins is idle in between uploading single data rows. |
com.lawson.moa.multithreading.visible |
Default value is FALSE. Defines the visibility setting for the Enabled Multi-Threaded Requests option found in the Upload Wizard. If Multi-threading access within the ADDINS attribute set for a user in the Lawson Security Administrator is different from the value set here, then the value in Lawson Security Administrator is used. For more information on the ADDINS attribute see the "Infor Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office Additional Requirements and Options" topic in the Resources and Security Administration Guide. |
com.lawson.ios.UseNTIDConversion | |
com.lawson.util.eli.EliXML.skipXMLAttributeValidation |
Default value is FALSE. Determines if the request XML payload attributes will be scanned for malicious characters. If value is FALSE, attribute scanning will NOT be skipped. If parameter is not present, scanning will not be skipped as well. To explicitly turn off attribute scanning, the parameter must be set to TRUE. This feature will only take place when XSS validation is enabled. For more information about XSS validation, see the Resources and Security Administration Guide. |
com.lawson.ios.performCSRFCheck | Default value is FALSE. This option determines if anti-csrf (cross-site request forgery) token validation will be performed in LSF server. When set to TRUE, all incoming requests to the server will be validated and if requirements for validation are not met, exception will be thrown to the client application. If the property is not defined in configuration file, it means anti-csrf validation is disabled. |
com.lawson.ios.db.preciseComputation |
Default value is FALSE. Setting the value to TRUE, enables the use of BigDecimal paramater for division computation discrepancies caused by the limitation of floating-point arithmetic in Java. |
com.lawson.tesla.exec.staleData |
Default value is TRUE. Enabling this option displays the staledata flag in transaction calls when the user's transaction cache expires. Passing the flag in subsequent transactions persistently returns the Session Data Timeout error message. See the information about Transaction Service Calls in IOS Application Program Interfaces. | |
Default value is TRUE. Setting the value to TRUE enables the action services to support the Job Queue Default feature. See the information about Job Queue Default in IOS Application Program Interfaces. |
com.lawson.ios.dig.db.dme.dmequerystatistics |
Default value is FALSE. Setting the value to TRUE enables the DME query statistics to be logged into the IOS log files. |
com.lawson.ios.drill.dao.userMap |
Default value is FALSE. Setting the value to TRUE enables the USERMAP table to be loaded with the long name and display name values for NT users. The table loads when a user performs a username drill. |
Configure Direct IOS
This configuration enables a client application to communicate directly with IOS rather than communicating through servlets.
Log in to the server that is hosting the Infor Lawson System Foundation Environment.
Ensure that the $LAWDIR/system/services.cfg file exists.
If so and you use Infor Enterprise Search Installation Guide, you can skip to the procedure "Configuring Infor Lawson System Foundation for Enterprise Search" in the Infor Enterprise Search Lawson Plugin Installation Guide.
If not, create the file using the steps below.
Copy the services.cfg from $GENDIR/install.
Entries exist in the copied file and they are listed in the table below:
Entry name Description CONTEXT_FACTORY The context factory to be used by the remote APIs.
If the client is running inside IBM WebSphere, as a web or enterprise application, the recommended value is:
For standalone applications, the recommended context factory is the SUN provided:
SERVER_NAME A comma-delimited list of server name(s) where Infor Lawson System Foundation is hosted.
The hostname must be the fully-qualified domain name of the Infor Lawson System Foundation server. If your Infor Lawson System Foundation server is clustered, you will need to specify more than one hostname.
SERVER_IIOP_PORT A comma-delimited list of the Application Server IIOP/Remoting listening ports.
If your Infor Lawson System Foundation setup is clustered, you must specify more than one port. If you are listing more than one port, the port sequence must match its partner hostname in the SERVER_NAME parameter.
This value can be found through the WebSphere Administrative Console. Navigate to Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers, and then click the server name. In the Communications section, expand the Ports list. Type the value that is in the "Port" column.
SERVER_ NAMESPACE The server name space is the location with the naming directory where the remote IOS objects will be retrieved.
cell/nodes/<node name>/servers/<server name>/
For cluster configuration:
clusters/<cluster name>/
Restart the WebSphere Application Server where your Infor Lawson System Foundation Environment is running.