To prepare the "To" product line before you copy over it

  1. Log in as LAWSON to the "To" machine.

    This user should have access to all Environment executables.

  2. If your login does not include a call to LAWENV, set the environment variables.

    1. If you installed Infor Lawson Core Technology on an IASP, at the IBM i command prompt, type


    2. To set the variables, at the IBM i command line, type


      The list of available Infor Lawson Environments appears on your screen.

    3. Type the appropriate Environment name and press Enter.
  3. Turn off security. At the command line, type

    lsconfig -c password OFF

  4. Save a copy of the database configuration files and any customized metadata source files. These are files unique to the "To" product line. You will need to restore them after the product line copy (assuming you want to preserve the customizations).
    1. Create a new directory outside of the product line, for example, $LAWDIR/SavedFiles. At the command line, type

      mkdir $LAWDIR/SavedFiles

    2. Save a copy of the database configuration file ("CAPS" file) and the editdafile file in the new directory.

      The database configuration file is named IBM. It is located in the top level directory of the product line. At a Qshell command line, type

      cp $LAWDIR/toPL/dbConfigFile $LAWDIR/SavedFiles/dbConfigFile

      cp $LAWDIR/toPL/editdafile $LAWDIR/SavedFiles/editdafile

    3. Save a copy of any application source files and corresponding metadata source files for customizations in the SavedFiles directory. (This assumes you want to preserve those customizations.) You must record the absolute location of the files such that they can be put in the appropriate location when the "To" product line is overlaid with the "From" product line directory structure. The files will be put into the resulting "To" product line later in the process such that appmetaload will populate GEN. The application source files are in the $LAWDIR/toPL/syscodesrc/ directories and the metadata source files are in the $LAWDIR/metadata/syscodemeta directories.
  5. Back up the "To" product line application data using your backup procedures.
  6. Back up the "To" product line directory structure using your backup procedures.
  7. Completely remove the existing "To" product line directory. At the command line, type

    rm -rf $LAWDIR/toPL

  8. Create the "To" product line directory structure. At the command line, type

    mkproddir toPL