Defining a Transfer Menu

Use this procedure to define a transfer menu for an online application program.

To define a transfer menu

  1. Access the Form ID Definition utility (tokendef):
    1. In a Infor Lawson Interface Desktop (LID) session, use Form Transfer (F8).
    2. In the Form ID field on the Form Transfer form, type tokendef and click the OK button or press Enter.
  2. On the Form ID Definition menu, select Application Form IDs.
  3. On the Application Form IDs form, select the online application form ID for which you want to define or change a transfer menu.

    You can define transfer menus for online or inquire programs only.

  4. Press Define (F6) and choose Transfer Menu.

    The Transfer Menu form appears. The Transfer Menu title defaults from the Title field on the Application Form IDs form.

    If the Xfer Menu field for the selected application is Yes, the transfer menu lists the programs you can transfer to.

  5. On the transfer menu, select the line to put a form ID or text on.
    • Select an existing blank line to put the form ID or text on.

      - or -

    • To put a line in between existing lines, press Insert (F8).

      - or -

    • To replace an existing line, select the line.

  6. Press Define (F6) and choose Executable, Text, or Form Actions.
    Note: To simultaneously put multiple form IDs of the same kind on the menu, press Select (F4), mark the form IDs in the order you want them to appear on the menu, and press Enter.
    1. If you are adding an executable form to the menu, choose Executable. The form must already exist. Select the form and the product line for the menu you are adding.

      Press Enter. The system puts the form ID form titles on the transfer menu.

    2. If you are adding a line of text to your menu, choose Text. In the Enter Menu Text subform, type the text. (The text can serve as a heading for a group of menu options.)

      Press Enter. The system puts the text line on the transfer menu.

    3. If you want to control which form action the system performs when the user transfers to this form, choose Form Actions. You can only choose Form Actions if are editing the menu option for an executable online application form. After you choose Form Actions, choose Inquire, Next, or Blank.

      Press Enter. The system saves the changes and displays a message indicating which form action you chose for the selected application form. For example, if you chose Inquire, the system returns you to the transfer menu and displays the message "Application Executable (Inquire)."

  7. Press Enter twice to save the transfer menu.
  8. Perform the following steps so that the changes appear in the Lawson Portal.
    1. Run scrgen for the form. At the Qshell command line, type

      scrgen ProductLine SystemCode Form

    2. Run the IOSCacheRefresh program in a browser. Type the following in the browser's address or URL field.


      where WebServer is the web server where the Lawson Portal is installed.

To change the title for a local transfer menu, see Editing a Menu.