To delete batch job history from an Environment form
Access Delete Job History (deljobhst).
- In a Lawson Interface Desktop (LID) session, use Form Transfer (F8).
- In the Form ID field on the Form Transfer form, type deljobhst and click the OK button or press Enter.
Consider the following options and fields.
Program Option Description c
Delete Completed Job Entries. Deletes completed jobs on the Completed Jobs form and deletes the associated job logs from the /EnvironmentDirectory/law/system/joblog directory in the IFS.
Keep Entries, Do Not Delete. Produces a report listing the job histories without deleting them. j
Delete Recurring Job Entries. Deletes recurring job entries that have passed their stop dates. r
Delete batch report files. Deletes all print files from the Print Manager.
deljobhst should run as QSECOFR on a profile with the authority to do this.
Print usage and syntax. Prints the file usage and syntax for the selected job history. v
Verbose. Produces a report listing the verbose entries. w
Delete waiting job entries. Deletes the waiting job entries on the Waiting Jobs form. To date
The date to delete job entries up to. - Press Enter.