Removing Work File Members and Symbolic Links

Use this procedure to remove work file members and symbolic links that are no longer needed. This procedure allows you to remove only temporary work files, only named work files, or all work files. You can also choose to remove only work files older than a specified number of days (0 to 7).

After you remove work file members, you need to remove the symbolic links that pointed to those members.

Note: You cannot remove any work file members using LADTAMBR if any Job Scheduler records exists with a status of Needs Recovery. Before you can remove work file members, you must either recover the jobs (solve the problem and rerun the jobs) or delete the jobs (if no recovery is necessary). To view all waiting jobs on your system, clear the User Name field on the Job Scheduler form and click Waiting.

To remove work file members and symbolic links.

  1. If you installed Lawson Core Technology on an IASP, at the IBM i command prompt, type


  2. Set your Environment. At the IBM i command line, type CALL LAWENV and type the name of the Environment you need to work in.
  3. At the IBM i command line, type LADTAMBR and press Prompt (F4).
  4. On the Work File PF-DTA/LF form, enter the following values:
    Field Value
    Work File *ALL, a specific work file name, or a generic work file name.

    *PRINT to print a listing.

    *REMOVE causes LADTAMBR to remove the members if you run LADTAMBR by submitting it to batch. If you run LADTAMBR interactively, the program lists the work files. You then type “x” for the function code to select a work file and list its members. You then type 5 to display the contents of a member or 4 to delete a member.

    Physical File Member Types

    *TEMP to consider only temporary work file members. These are work files members whose name begins with “TMP.” and are usually safe to delete.

    *NAMED to consider only named work files. These files may contain data that needs to be saved for ACH tapes, bank reconciliation, and so on. These files also include those with input data, such as conversion and interface work files.

    *ALL to consider temporary and named work file members.

    Eligible Days The number of days a work file member must have existed to be eligible for removal. Zero (0) should only be used if the Lawson system is stopped so that work file members of running jobs are not affected. The default is 7.
  5. Delete symbolic links that point to work file members that no longer exist.
    1. If you installed Lawson Core Technology on an IASP, at the IBM i command prompt, type


    2. Set your Environment (if necessary). At the IBM i command line, type CALL LAWENV and type the name of the Environment you need to work in.
    3. At the IBM i command line, type