To view job queue group information
Access the Job Queue Group Report (jobqgrprpt).
- In a Lawson Interface Desktop (LID) session, use Form Transfer (F8).
- In the Form ID field on the Form Transfer form, type jobqgrprpt and click the OK button or press Enter.
On the Job Queue Group Report form, type or select
the following information:
- By Job Queue Group
Select a job queue group if you want the report to list information for only one job queue group. The information includes the job queues that belong to the group and the users who have this job queue group.
- By Job Queue
Select a job queue if you want the report to include only a list of the job queue groups the job queue belongs to.
If you leave both fields blank, the report includes information for all job queue groups. You can choose to list only the job queues for each job queue group, only the users who have each job queue group, or both.
- Press Enter to send the report to the screen, or press Send (F8) and choose whether to send the report to a file, a printer, or the screen.