The Lawson Job Scheduler File (lajs.cfg)

The Lawson Job Scheduler file (lajs.cfg) contains configuration parameters used by the Lawson Batch Server (lajs). Use lajs.cfg whenever you need to adjust the performance of batch jobs. For example, you can change the refresh rate, maximum number of running jobs, and maximum number of buffer messages.

lajs.cfg Parameter Reference

The lajs.cfg file controls operation of the Lawson Batch Server.

Location: /EnvironmentDirectory/law/system/lajs.cfg

Parameter Default Setting Description
JSREFRESH 15 Frequency, in seconds, that the character-based Job Scheduler form refreshes.
NICE 20 The NICE value for the job server.
RUNJOBS 10 The maximum number of jobs that can run at one time, system-wide. If you are a large organization, you will need to increase this number significantly.
DEADLOCKS 4 The number of times lajs tries to restart a program when a deadlock is detected.
DEADLOCKDELAY 5 The number of seconds lajs waits to restart the program if a deadlock is detected.
CHECKFREQ 2 The frequency, in minutes, at which recurring jobs and jobs with start times are checked.
EXECTIMEOUT 180 The number of seconds that the execjob utility has to start before lajs assumes it is dead.
TIMESTAMP OFF The flag that tells execjob whether to print a time stamp after each message that Lawson applications print.
VERBOSE OFF The flag that tells lajs whether to print debugging information in the lajs.log file.

If set to ON, the XML version of a report is generated at the time the report job is executed. In this case, the job execution will take longer.

If set to OFF, the XML version of a report is not generated until a user accesses the report.

QUEUEHOGGING ALLOW Whether to allow "queue hogging." Queue hogging (the default behavior) means that the Job Scheduler allows a user who has several consecutive jobs on the queue to have all of those jobs processed before the jobs of any other user. If you change this setting to NOT ALLOWED, then after the first job by the original user is processed the Job Scheduler will look for a job from another user and process that before returning to process the next job from the first user.





Add this parameter to the lajs.cfg file

This parameter limits jobs to be run one at a time. Note that even if the job queue allows multiple jobs to run simultaneously, the SINGLETHREAD parameter will complete the first job on queue before proceeding to the next job. Therefore, this limits each user to having just one job running at a time. This parameter applies to all users on all job queues.

Note that you cannot set this property for just one user or just one job queue.

MAXRUNTIME 4320 Maximum amount of time, in minutes, that jobs should run before lajs takes action.
MRT_CHECKFREQ 10 The frequency, in minutes, at which job run times are checked.
EMAIL_LIST Specify a comma-separated list of email addresses.
EMAIL_FROM Specify the sender's email address.
EMAIL_FREQUENCY 30 The frequency, in minutes, at which an email is sent after a job has reached the MAXRUNTIME.
MRT_ACTION 0 The action to take when a job reaches the MAXRUNTIME.

0 - Default, take no action

1 - Send an email when a job reaches the MAXRUNTIME

2 - Stop any job that reaches the MAXRUNTIME

3 - Send a warning email at 75% MAXRUNTIME and stop the job at MAXRUNTIME