Viewing Symbolic Links

Use this procedure to view what physical file member a symbolic link is associated with. This enables you to check that you are linking to the correct physical file member, such as the one containing data you need to load.

To view symbolic links

  1. At the IBM i command line, type WRKLNK and press Prompt (F4).
  2. On the Work with Object Links form, enter the following values:
    Field Value

    All or part of the IFS path to the symbolic link. You can also use an asterisk as a wild card. For example:


    This lists all the directories within the work directory that begin with “E.”

    Object Type *ALL (You need this value to be able to later use option 12 (Work with links).)
    Detail *EXTENDED (You need this value to be able to later use option 12 (Work with links).)
  3. Use option 5 (Display) to view the contents of a directory.
  4. When you find the object link that you want to view the symbolic link for, use option 12 (Work with links). The screen displays the object link and the content of the link, which should point to an existing physical file member.