Running the Job Listing
Use this procedure to create a job listing.
Access the Job Listing report program.
- In a Lawson Interface Desktop (LID) session, use Form Transfer (F8).
- In the Form ID field on the Form Transfer form, type jobrpt and click the OK button or press Enter.
In the Job Listing window, type or select the following
- User Name
The user name whose jobs you want to list.
Leave this field blank to retrieve the jobs for all user names (security permitting).
- Form
The form ID whose jobs you want to list.
Leave this field blank to retrieve the jobs for all forms (security permitting).
- Data Area/ID
The data area or data ID whose jobs you want to list.
Leave this field blank to retrieve the jobs for all data areas or IDs (security permitting).
- Run Option
Select Summary or Detail. The default is Summary.
Summary retrieves all job names defined on the Job Definition form or on a Lawson batch parameter form.
Detail retrieves all job names defined on the Job Definition form or on a Lawson batch parameter form. It also retrieves all job steps defined on the Job Definition form. This report can become very lengthy when requested in detail for all users.
- Press Enter to display the report on the screen, or press Send (F8) and choose the desired output medium.