
Object requests include the following calls:

  • OS

  • OV

  • OW

These requests, based on a primary record, allow a user to traverse file relations to access information related to the primary record.

The OV and OW request types depend on rules defined in the object rule files:


These files are compiled into a single file by SRGEN:


An OS call returns a list of OV and OW calls that a user can access. An OV call is a drill that accesses an OTM relation from the primary record on which the call is based. Therefore, a definition of an OV call indicates the OTM relation that will be traversed. The result of an OV call is a list of OS calls that will allow further traversals of subsequent relations, but are still based on the primary record.

An OW call is a drill that accesses either the primary file for a record or OTO relations from the record’s primary file. Thus the result of an OW drill will be data from the fields (primary and/or OTO related) that the OW rule defines.