Use this service to add a job queue.
URL (general format)
SERVER:PORT/lawson-ios/action/AddJobQueue? <parameter=key
Required Parameters
Parameter Key | Value Type | Parameter Description |
queueName | Alphanumeric string |
The name of the job queue. Maximum length for strings is 10. Reserved value is QBATCH. |
maxUpdateJobs | Integer |
Maximum number of update jobs. This must not be greater than maxJobs. Minimum length for strings is 0. Default value is 0. |
queueStatus | Fixed Values | Fixed values are INACTIVE and ACTIVE. Default value is ACTIVE. |
queuePriority | Integer | Minimum length for strings is 20 and maximum length is 39. Default value is 30. |
Example URL
SERVER:PORT/lawson-ios/action/AddJobQueue?jobOwner=LAWSON\lawsonuser&jobName=TESTJOBAdditional information
To add multiple jobs in one call, use POST method, XML content.
SERVER:PORT/lawson-ios/action/AddJobQueueXML request format
Format of the request XML payload for POST method calls. Note that these must always be wrapped by <ACTION> nodes. The key fields must be unchanged.
<JOBQUEUE queuePriority="XXX" queueStatus="XXX" maxJobs="XXX" maxUpdateJobs="XXX" queueName="XXX"/>